I passed 4 fours trying to setup CI to run Hugo + Github Actions, this is a test to see if it works

IT WORKED (2021-08-08 4:50pm)

It actually worked, now i can just commit and the blog will update alone, which is nice, since it worked i will write here how i did it

[Updated 2021-08-09]

First, if you dont know what is Hugo, its basically a static site generator made with Go. I choosed it because was simpler to setup and to get a theme, and also its fast, you can it check it page by here: https://gohugo.io.

There are a lot of themes there, you can find them here https://themes.gohugo.io/.

After choose or build the theme that you want and run it local, its time to deploy it, i choose Github Pages because its free. Well, now let’s go to the part the matters, in the Hugo website you will find a suggestion to create to github repositories, but i didnt that because i wanted to mainting just one repo, so what i did was actually create a branch that keeps all the source code, and other branch that just deploy the static files.

Here is the CI:

name: github pages

      - source  # Set a branch to deploy

    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.ACESS_TOKEN }}
          submodules: true  # Fetch Hugo themes (true OR recursive)
          fetch-depth: 0    # Fetch all history for .GitInfo and .Lastmod

      - name: Setup Hugo
        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
          hugo-version: 'latest'
      #    extended: true

      - name: Build
        run: hugo --minify

      - name: Deploy
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./public

source is branch that will hold our source code, and the branch that will be deployed will be gh-pages that is created by the peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 action, and thats it, its pretty simple actually, but it took me some time, so i decided to write about it.

Oh, remember to set the repo name to <yourusername>.github.io so it can be considered a github pages repo by github

Quick note: If you want to use main or other name, you can setup it up in the Deploy step with publish_brach: your_branch, but if you dont use main as the branch to deployed, remember to change what branch should be deployed to Github Pages in Settings > Pages > Branch > Select the branch that holds the statics files